We are on our way to Amelia Island, Florida. The Bulldogs are headed to the Gator
Bowl and so are the Fullers. We
got up around 5:00 to head out.
Everyone but Brian has a gadget ( I guess technically he has the OnStar
lady). I was just watching In Living Color, didn’t realize “hate
it” and “mo money” came from this show.
We didn’t watch much TV in the KD house unless it was Unsolved Mysteries, Married with Children reruns
or Saved by the Bell. All those Dees and I watched together,
our favorite line being, “FBIy guys.”
In the interest of full disclosure we did watch a good amount of Gilad, Cindy Crawford and The Firm
workouts. Speaking of KD days, I went on a girls trip to Memphis to my
dear friend, Jamie's, wedding reception. It was so fun to be with my
friends and wonderful to meet Ross, her husband.
We have a busy fall full of football fun, the most fun being
OMHS football. Lewis was a ball
boy for the varsity team and Rob was on the 9th grade team. I truly have a hard time believing we
have a high schooler already but I love it. Rob had his first Homecoming and Lewis learned a ton in the
“interesting culture” (his words) of OMHS football. They worked so hard and had the best season OM has had in 7
years. Clara started OMMS
and loves it there. Surprisingly
she doesn’t seem to mind me being up there too much. She had the lead-out for SGA at the Christmas gala and she
walked with her old friend Turner.
So sweet for Sallie and me.
Lewis has become obsessed with mythical creatures and gods
of any sort. Norse gods, Greek
gods, Roman gods and Sasquatch. He
told me it really hurts his feelings when Rob says that mythical creatures like
Bigfoot are not real. He is so my
child. I remember believing in
Nessy, the Bermuda Triangle, Mermaids, 13 ghosts and Jeffery.
Brian got glasses and they look really cute. He took me to Ross Bridge for a get
away and also to the shooting range. Ross Bridge was super relaxing but the shooting was
harder that I thought. Not the
aiming but the technique and form.
I did have a Marine trying to train my limp wristed self so he might
have been a stickler for all that. He ended my lesson with, “You might do
better with a revolver.” I liked it fine but I didn’t like the random folks
shooting around me. I mean
some people were in there that looked like all they did was sit in their
basement and play video games.
They shot that way too, kind of creeped me out. As Brian said I would have blown
the hell out of someone’s right shoulder.
So blessed to have this man in my life.
Rob and I went to see Trans Siberian Orchestra and it was
interesting. I really loved the
80’s influence but some of the guitar stuff got excessive. I would have liked more orchestra, less
guitar and some children singing.
They had some girls dressed like the Fly Girls singing who had beautiful
voices but didn’t look very Christmassy.
Clara and I just watched Call the
Midwives from BBC; it was awesome by the way. It will maybe tide me over until Downtown Abbey comes back on…. but I did download the remake of Upstairs Downstairs for the trip.
Lewis’s hermit crab CZ (crabzilla) was immobile half way out
of his shell when we left this morning at 6:00. I left instructions with my sweet dog sitter to purchase a
bigger shell and a new crab to cover all the bases for our return.
Just settling into the hotel and have already gone to
everything is $20.00 store. Loved
it so much, going back tomorrow.