Last Thursday night we were out to dinner after the football game with some friends and they asked us to go see Bon Jovi the next night . They were going to the beach for the weekend to celebrate my friend's birthday. So the next day the Fuller's did something very spotaneous and went to see Bon Jovi with 35,000 other people. We met my in laws in Loxley and gave them 2 kids. Some of our other good friends went too. It was awesome. We stood up the whole time, it was literally on the beach and packed. At one point I had to go the restroom and it took 40 minutes to go there and back. There was no way in or out except for straight through the throngs of people. Wild. We sang, danced and had a blast. Afterwards we decided to stay right where we were while the other 34,994 people left. We people watched and decided to wait awhile to get the shuttle back to our condo. We were waiting around and look over and some girl was sitting in the sand bare butt. She had some friends around her, feebly trying to cover her up. She sat on the sand for over 5 minutes. Tommy and I had our money on #2 but everyone else said no way. It was bad. Needless to say the ladies who stayed for Brad Paisley Sunday night wore cowboy boots on the sand.
We walked to a restaurant a couple blocks away and stayed there for almost 2 hours. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard with a group of couples before. We loved sitting, visiting and not caring what time it was. We then caught our charter bus, the last of the night. It was an interesting crew, the most drunk one on the bus was a Miss State fan, but it was her birthday. It was really funny being with a bunch of older people acting a fool. We laughed so hard again. We came home and watched the moon go down. I have never seen that before, beautiful!
We had a relaxing day on the beach and watching football. We went to eat that night a great local place. We were watching the awesome MSU/FLA game and the fat bartender/oyster shucker had the nerve to change both tvs to the Alabama game. I stood up and told him no, we were watching it. I told him he could leave one on Alabama but I was watching that game. He said so you are a Florida fan, and I said no, MSU. Some 300 pound Alabama fan waddled by and said "If South Carolina can beat Bama, then anything can happen." He had some other comment about MSU but I didn't catch it. So when the Bulldogs won, I was beaming with pride.
We laughed all the way home, all piled in the gold Quest. It was the perfect, relaxing trip. Thanks Amiee and Todd for the invite, we love you!!
My friend, Gina, had started a clothing business and we had a show at my house last night. I have to say it is very distracting to have a retail store in your home when you are trying to get ready for work. I had a bunch of friends come by and we got the cutest clothes. The most expensive piece of clothing was around 40 dollars. Gina did a great job picking out things that were stylish, flattering and very fun. I keep adding things I want to buy.
Totally unrelated, I was told by Walgreens that they were no longer making the migraine medicine I take. I take something pretty mild that I have flexibility with as far as dosing. So I called my doctor and he suggested something else (a triptan). I have tried these in the past with no luck but he said this one was milder. I tried it but it still makes me feel dizzy and weird. The headache went away but I feel so strange. My dear friend, Lynda, came to the rescue. She checked at the pharmacy where she works sometimes and they had the one Walgreens said was discontinued. In fact, she said their supplier had tons of it. So she transferred my prescription and I picked it up at her house today. What a great friend!!
Friends seem to become more precious to me as I get older. They are such a blessing from God.
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