Then on Thursday, I went to Montgomery with Clara's class for the day. We had fun and it was great to get to know Clara's class better. It was a sweet group. I also enjoyed visiting with Clara's teacher. We were late getting back, so we hit the ground running. Clara had a game at 6:00, and our bus pulled in at 5:50. Then I had to go to a wrestling meeting at the middle school. Rob is now wrestling. I learned that he needs to eat a bunch of fruit, and drink chocolate milk after wrestling. He will probably lose weight at first, he is only 90 lbs at 5ft. There are a few kids on the team in the 70's, so he is not the smallest. He has the short genes but not the skinny genes (not that I ever had the skinny ones). The coach seems very nice, I plan on checking out the book "Wrestling for Dummies" to learn about the sport.
Friday I went to get a facial that I had bought back in August, nice treat. We went to see the OM Eagles play Friday night and they won, the kid I bought my coupon card from at the begining of the year made two touchdowns!! Brian and Lewis went to Starkville Saturday and Rob had a baseball camp at the high school. The camp reminded me of Cooperstown. Several professional baseball players came and helped with the camp. It was a neat experience for him and his friends. A local church helped put it on. Clara and I went to the grocery store with everyone else in the 35242. It was crazy. One great thing that came out of that trip is that I learned my favorite helper at Publix (Larry) is my favorite doctor's father in law. I knew he was special!!
We went over to the Reeves Saturday night and watched football. The kids trick or treated too. Todd had set up an extra TV for me to watch the Bulldogs, during the Auburn game. I was so very proud of the Bulldogs!! I know several local radio personalities think we are a sub par team, but they also consider several other top 25 teams that too. So I think we are in good company.
The big kids ran all over Eagle Point and we scooted around in a golf cart during half time.
[caption id="attachment_428" align="alignleft" width="540" caption="This is how we roll"]
Rob was dressed as the Phantom and Clara was an Eighties Girl. They have been studying The Phantom of the Opera for a few weeks in Reading. He told me that the Phantom had a sword, never knew that. Clara's costume came from Walgreens and Dollar Tree. The day glo sweatshirt was from Walgreens, and I cut the ends off some Walgreen's socks to make the leg warmers. I got a headband at dollar tree and she wore some sunglasses with the lenses popped out. She said the only people who knew who she was were people my age.
We went to trunk or treat at the church and then came home to trick or treat here. We had some families over and it was a blast. They literally ran from house to house. Lewis was the cutest shark ever!!
[caption id="attachment_434" align="alignleft" width="540" caption="The Creatures of the Night"]
[caption id="attachment_430" align="alignleft" width="540" caption="Lewis and the Ladies"]
- Lewis and Ms Jennifer
Clara came home sick from school today and slept for 4 hours. I don't know what was wrong, probably just exhausted. Of course I got lost going to the chiropractor today. If he wasn't the nicest man on the planet and the best chiropractor it wouldn't be worth it. But he is, so I have just gotten used to exploring the city of Hueytown.
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