Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Breakdancing and other sports

I have been on a search for a new front door(ours is rotting) that is kind of boring though.  Rob was confirmed in the Methodist church this weekend.  Such a special time for him and all his friends.  They all committed their life to Christ and to the church.  I can't believe how grown up they are, to me they all look just the same as when they were playing in the church nursery.  At the brunch for family members at the church I looked across the gym and Lewis was  in the middle of a circle of seated 12 year old boys dancing.  He was actually break dancing, then he started playing "duck, duck, goose."  No one would chase him for some reason.  Sometimes he can be so outgoing with kids older than him but with ones his own age he is much more reserved.

He is playing baseball and it is so wonderful to see him "run like the wind", well maybe a breeze.  He was born with club foot and his doctor worked very hard to get him to this point.   I joke and say he has million dollar feet but Brian says that is an exaggeration.  So we don't have any complaints about our health care.

Rob is really enjoying playing baseball this year. He is much more relaxed and is enjoying playing 2nd and 3rd.  All the parents are laid back at this age which is nice.  Softball is very different this year, kid pitch and my kid is one of the pitchers.  I admire Clara's toughness so much and I don't know how she stays so calm.  She is improving all the time.  I really can't believe I have a jock for a daughter, those that grew up with me will find the humor in that.

The CPAP is my new best friend, I am addicted to Brian wearing it.  I wake him up when he takes it off in the middle of the night, which is most nights.  I don't even think he realizes he is doing it, but he is very obedient when he is half asleep.

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